Yes, welcome, sit down , relax and enjoy.
I like you to taste a slice of my fresh baked Sûkerbôlle.
That's this month challenge for my Bread Baking Babe - sisters .
I"m the proud host of this month and we're baking SÛKERBÔLLE .
Or Frisian Sugarbread.
Let me give you a little geografie first.
In the north of our smal country, Holland (or The Netherlands) in Europe , there is a small part called Friesland . They speak their own languages there, have their own flag , have a great tradition in sailing as you can read in one of my other postings and skyes and clouds are overwhelming.

But they are worldwide famous because of their black and white Frisian cows

and their beautiful black horses .

But also about their :
as they say in Frisian , suikerbrood (in Dutch) or sugerbread (in english ) .
Spreaded with a lot of good Frisian (unsalted) butter...Need I say they sure know what’s good , upthere ?!’s the recipe. It comes from a very old Frisian recipe-book and it’s written very simple as every-one knew how to make a good bread in those days .That’s the way I give it to you . Because I 'm sure you’re capable to make a great loaf out of it.
Only , beware of a few things : Nothing burns your hands more than hot sugar , so take care…..and , because of all that sugar, your bread will burn very quick , so watch it carefully and cover it if needed with alu-foil. Also, grease your bread-tin with lots of butter because sugar sticks !! Or , like I do , line it with paper and butter it . And don’t knead the sugar into your dough with a breadbaking machine, it will be damaged !!
For the rest its up to you…… Easy , I thought...
But then...a few other problems came up.Because of two ingrediënts : Sugarlumbs and Gingersyrup . Both unknown on the otherside of the ocean. But they seem to solve the problems overthere. Lynn has figured out a great easy and delicious recipe for sugared ginger ànd the syrup. You'll find it here.
Here we go :
(if you want the recipe in Dutch , look at Karen's Bake My Day , she has made a translation on her posting. So no double work here ! )
500 grams all purpose flour
10 grams salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon-powder (a little more if you like it )
3 tablespoons of ginger-syrup (use the syrop that comes with those gingerballs
you buy in a jar here in Europe or look for the recipe at Lynn's )
Make that gingersyrup up to 2 dl with handwarm milk.So its 2 dl all together.
25 grams fresh yeast
75 grams unsalted, melted butter (let it cool down before use}
2 eggs
150 grams sugar grains. Or use sugar lumps /cubes you use for coffee , and
make small pieces of them .( by beating them with….whatever)
Make a nice dough with all the ingredients , except for the sugerlumps/sugergrains and the cinnamon , and let it rise for 45 minutes.
After that fold in the sugar ,mixed with cinnamon , and work it through your dough.
Form a nice bread and put it in a small bread-tin .Make sure it is greased with lots of butter or parchment paper!!
On top ,you can sprinkle granulated sugar ,so it can form a caramel on your bread.
Cover and let it rise for 15 minutes .
Bake it in a warm oven (200 C or 400 F in 30 minutes until brown and done.
Don’t forget that unsalted butter on top of every slice.
Are you still there on my kitchen table ?
Well, take and taste a slice . By the way, do you want coffee or tea ?
Would you like to bake this SugarBabeBread with us and earn the one and only
Bread Baking Buddies Badge ? Bake with us! Post it on your blog and send the link to me before ,at last, the 8th of October. I will round up all Baking Buddies in my Kitchen of the Month here at Living on Bread and Water and send you your well deserved Buddy Badge!
And also take a look in my Sugarsweetbakingsisters kitchens and see how they went along :
Notitie Van Lien (Lien),
My Kitchen In Half-Cups (Tanna), Cookie Baker Lynn (Lynn), , Grain Doe (Gorel), Lucullian Delights (Ilva),
Bake my Day ( Karen )
I like to cook Sara
HAVE FUN, Sweeties !
12 opmerkingen:
Woohoo!!! You made us all drool with this bread Monique! This is such a surprising recipe, no one would know by the recipe alone how good it really is. Thanks for choosing such wonderful very Dutch bread!
And what fun it was and is AND great bread.
I loved that we had our "problems" with ingredients besides flours!!
Yes, for some reason this bread really took me by surprise. Thanks much for the new knowledge of Friesland but most of all this very wonderful bread!
Now do you know anybody that would like a couple of these cows I have in my backyard. It's getting crowded.
Thanks my dear friends.
PFFF I need a drink now everything and every problem is to an end now.Even my photo's where a problem .I only can show you my dough in deep dark night..something wrong with my camera ???
Don't sell your Frisian Cows from your backyard , Tanna, they are worth a fortune !!!!! Better find yourselve a Frisian farmer .Or a lot of bread-and-milkrecipes ...
Thanks so much, Monique, for this great bread. My family loved it and can't wait for me to make it again.
You sweet girl, my whole family loves you for making this bread our assignment! We all love it here, thanks! Love your picture... a shame your cow just walked out of the pictureframe....
There is also frisian part in Northern Germany with the Holstein-Frisian cows :-), but no sugar balls only hailstone-sized... I'll definitely do the bread, thanks for sharing the recipe
Ulrike from Küchenlatein
Thanks so much for making me bake this bread, we all love it!
Thanks Monique for this excellent challenge! I sincerely enjoyed making it, and believe me, it didn't long here! When I have looked at the other blogs and comments, I have also got loads of ideas on how to bake and eat it, so you can rest assured that this one will be baked again and again in my kitchen!
Thank you so much for picking this bread! I loved it.
As I said, I did the bread
Thanks for sharing the recipe
Ulrike from Küchenlatein
Made the bread, and yummy, this is really good!
Thank you for the recipe.
Finally got my post done. It was delicious -- thanks so much for this recipe!
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