Don't you think this is a good looking salad ?
I did.
And I took the recipe-card home with me, that was kindly offered by the hudge wholesailer SLIGRO.
And I planned to treat myselve on this healthy stuff.
Because it really looks good.
Don't you agree?
Well....take a good look....
A closer look maybe.....
Let me help you :
No, it's not a way -over- time salad.
They belong in there.
And a nice juicy Dragon Fly , sóóóo tasty....
You can buy them in a vacúum jar...
Lot's of protein !
Oh...and for desert ?
No problem ,
just catch a nice juicy grasshopper !
By the way, don't worry, I won't invite you for dinner , this time !
But if you want the recipe........
10 opmerkingen:
A 7 y/o boy's dream come true!
Not my boys !!!
Isn't it disgusting ?
Ha, grappig toeval. Een paar weken geleden bracht onze docent op de kookschool een paar bakjes van dit soort "delicatessen" mee. Iedereen mocht proeven. De meelwormen waren gedroogd en de sprinkhanen gefrituurd. Ik heb het niet geprobeerd maar degenen die het wel geprobeerd hadden, vonden het naar niks smaken. Nou, dan missen we ook niks :-)
O jakkes!! Ik snap dat als je in het oerwoud gedropt wordt en je moet overleven je standaard voedselwensen aangepast moeten worden. Maar persoonlijk vind ik de tendens dat we alles maar moeten eten, omdat het kan en het er is, totaal belachelijk.
Misschien mag ik toch het recept, want ik weet wel zeker dat onze kippen dat héérlijk zullen vinden....haha
Jakkes!! Nee he...toch niet echt geprobeerd?
What the hell? Is that for real? Yuck.
but it's horrible! yukkkkkkkkk
how will I be able to make the Sweet Revenge dessert after this I wonder? ha ha
Oh, I showed the picture to my birds, and they were in love! I buy live mealworms and feed them to the birds. Did you know that the big mealworms bite? Yes, they do!!! They're scary!
Yes, it's for rea'l and this salad is called Hakuna Matata salat.
And if you don't believe me, Aranka from "koken in de buurt" uphere tells that she"ve seen them before, on her cookingclasses, to be tasted. She didn't ! But others could tell that it tasted like nothing . So...we don't miss a thing.As if we were still doubting....YUKKK.
But if you're looking for a nice way to treat your chickens or birds....or your Mother in law , maybe ?
Ewwwwww! But loved the post!
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