The first Buddie to sign in was Milagritos
In hot Sidney she created a beautiful Brioche , well wrapped in beautiful Panatone paper.
And then there was Rita, Soepkipje.She didn't have a can. But look how creative she solved the problem....
Maybe a little late but who cares ..Gea van "koekje van eigen deeg" made one too. And it looks great So...another buddie !
And then ,with a big SORRY ,because she waa in time but somehow her message didn't reach me Astrid .
Worth a visit too, as you will find out.
2 opmerkingen:
cool buddy round up!
I _did_ leave my link in the comments at your blog post: http://livingonbreadandwater.blogspot.com/2009/11/you-can-with-can.html?showComment=1259022085274#c6792383926835423124
Love the brioche, thanks for the round-up!
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