And you know what ? I want you to eat out of a can ,this month . Not for the easy cooking but for this month Bread Baking Babes baking :
The Brioche mousseline.

Take a seat and let me explain :
This very luxury and delicious loaf will be baked in a cylindrial container , most likely used for tomatoes, coffee or what-ever, as long as there is no plastic coating inside.
Because we Babes bake all over the world , we immediately had problems with sorts and sizes for every country's cans .The book is talking about one pound cans, I used 1 liter cans .Please don't you worry. Any size will do, just fill it for 2/3 with the dough and keep an eye on your baking time. And the height of your stove !! Because a paper collar will be tied around the can , the dough can rise to a splendid height : Even twice as high as your can ,if you are lucky. The ovenshelf must be low enough to allow the dough to rise without bumping its head to the oventop.
So eat your tomatoes , clean out that can : it's time to create your own Brioche Mousseline" , the loave that has its roots in France, Normandie , at Honnefleur. The recipe , from pricewinning Baker André David , comes from The Breads of France , of Bernard Clayton jr.
To dress up the cans encircle them with paper(buttered if needed )as a collar.
To make it easier , dress up the outside after you put in the dough. I took parchingpaper , folded double AND I lined also the inside , because of some edges there that could make trouble trying to get the bread out. (In case of emergency you always can use your can-opener on the bottomside and push it out ).
If you don't use paper inside , don't forget to butter instead.
I hope these pictures( very bad but my own camera broke down and in eveninglight this one is trouble )will tell you the rest.
And here is the recipe :
Ingredients :For 2 tall loaves ( for 2 cans ).
Starter :
1 package of dry yeast
1/2 cup warm water ( 105-115 F.)
1 cup allpurpose flour
4 cups all purpose flour
6 eggs, room temp.
4 tablespoons warm water ( 100 F )
3 tab.sp. sugar
1 1/2 teasp.salt
12 ounces butter , unsalted , room temp.
Starter ( takes 10 minutes and 2 hours )
Dissolve yeast in water and put aside for a few minutes until creamy.Stir in flour and knead for about 3 minutes until shaggy loaf of dough. Cover with plastic and let rest for 2 hours.
In mean time prepare the rest of the dough :Start with 2 cups of flour , 4 eggs (stirr in one at the time), 2 table sp. water ,sugar , salt and blend it all.
Knead butter (on a lenght of wax paper) soft and pliable with a doughscraper or spatula.Blend in batter.Than add remaining 2 eggs and spoons of water.Stir in rest of flour , 1/2 cup at the time until the dough is a soft ball.It still is very sticky .Press into oval on your flowered worksurface , place starter in the center and fold over the edges and knead to incorporate the white starter dough with the yellow egg and butter dough. Knead for about 8 minutes. The dough stays a little sticky but will become firm after the cooling in the fridge later.
First rise , 3 hours
At room temp. covered with plastic wrap, until more than double.It becomes light and puffy.
Refrigeration 2 hours or overnight
Allow for at least 2 hours in the fridge so it can be worked better . Overnight is also possible but it will need a longer rise in the mold later on.
Fill the (coffee)cans for 2/3 and allow to rise.Use an other well greased mold for any left over dough.
second rising
At room temp. 1 ,untill 2 hours.
This varies a little ,remember , overnight in fridge means at least a 2 hours rise.
Baking 375 F , for 1 hour
Pre-heat the oven 20 minutes before baking.
How high the rising will be depends on the strenght of flour thats been used. There will be a difference between french and american or dutch...Hope you have a hudge oven... ;-)
The Brioche is done when the crust is deep brown but I always let my insertthermometer tell me . Or use a cake testing pin, that has to come out clean .
Undress your mold and let stand for 10 minutes before removing the mold.Twist gently to remove ( take care , still hot ! )and allow to cool down on a rack .
It freezes well for 6 weeks,so you can tie it up then with a X-mas bow and enjoy it as your Santa-breakfast.
Don't forget to take a look at my sister BBB"s (you'll find them on the right sight of this blog ) and see how they managed with this french one.
And if you are able to bake with us (and let me know by mail or as a comment on this post with a link to your Brioche) , do it before november 23: You'll be honored with a Bread Baking Buddy Badge .
Hope to hear from you !
15 opmerkingen:
Monique, lots of love coming your way from all of us, because we totally loved these brioches. A fun shape and soooo delicious! Thanks for this great recipe.
A lovely, lovely bread to make once you found the right can! A great challenge Monique!
We loved this bread! So soft and comforting and delicious. Yours looks so tall and proud in its can!
Grand photo with the red sauce around the bottom.
Sounding like an eco here: This is great bread and a totally fun can, can ...
My problem now is a hitch in publishing it, hope for soon.
Leuke uitdaging Monique: ik doe mee!
Look at that!! This again was a great choice Monique, my whole family adores you all over again!
I love how tall your loaves turned out. What a fun recipe!
Great choice, thanks again! Can't wait to make this proper when I find some unlined cans.
Stunning, just stunning and I so want to bake. I'll try this week. Wow! I want these growing in my kitchen too.
That was a wonderful bread.... Thank you! Even the search for the cans was fun. And yours are beautiful.
This is a beautiful bread!! I hope to give it a try :)
Hi Monique, your bread looks so tall and delectable. I am new here but I managed to bake a brioche, my blog is at
Hope you like it.
Regards, Milagritos
Hoi Monique,
Het brood is vandaag gebakken en aangesneden: het staat inmiddels op mijn weblog. Ik vond het een leuke uitdaging en ben benieuwd wat je van het resultaat vindt.
Hi Monique
Thank you for leaving your lovely left my first ever comment! Bedankt Monique!
Ho Monique,
what wonderful brioches you gave to us. I baked them last night and they worked out wonderful! I love their rich flavor!
here is my link:
thanks again!
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